Unleashing Kobe's Career:
Visual Data Storytelling

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) plays a crucial role in the work of data scientists, especially when dealing with unfamiliar datasets. By utilizing various data visualization techniques, EDA allows us to delve into the data, uncover hidden patterns, and gain a deeper understanding of its nuances. It serves multiple purposes, including assessing data consistency, identifying outliers, exploring variable relationships, devising strategies for handling missing values, and discovering meaningful patterns. EDA acts as a vital preliminary step before diving into the modeling phase of a project. In this blog post, I will demonstrate the effective use of Python's built-in visualization tools to extract valuable insights from data, assuming limited domain knowledge about the dataset.

As a passionate data enthusiast , I couldn't resist the opportunity to explore the captivating career of Kobe Bryant through the lens of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). In this section, I'll delve into the dataset that forms the foundation of this project and highlight its relevance to the fascinating world of EDA, all while sharing intriguing details about basketball and the iconic Kobe Bryant.

When it comes to basketball legends, few can rival the illustrious journey of Kobe Bryant. From being drafted into the NBA at the tender age of 16 to amassing an awe-inspiring career spanning over 20 years, Kobe's remarkable achievements have left an indelible mark on the sport. As I embark on this data exploration adventure, my chosen dataset provides a treasure trove of information on the different types of shots attempted by Kobe throughout his career.

This dataset, consisting of a staggering 1558 rows and a whopping 645 columns, encapsulates the essence of Kobe Bryant's on-court prowess. Each row represents a game etched in basketball history, while the columns hold a plethora of attributes associated with those games. From opponents and season years to the types of shots made, this rich tapestry of data opens up a world of possibilities for EDA.

Now, you might be wondering, what exactly is EDA? Well, in simple terms, EDA is the process of unraveling the story hidden within the data. As a data scientist, I rely on various visualization techniques to gain deeper insights, identify patterns, spot outliers, and investigate the relationships between different variables. By meticulously cleaning the dataset, employing feature engineering techniques, and evaluating the models, I can extract meaningful information and derive valuable insights.

However, EDA is not just about crunching numbers and deciphering complex statistical analyses. It's an art that requires a keen eye for detail and an appreciation for the nuances of the game. As I immerse myself in this dataset, I not only discover the statistical prowess of Kobe Bryant but also gain a deeper understanding of his playstyle, his rivalry with opponents, and the evolution of his game over time. It's a captivating blend of sports analysis and data science, where each data point tells a unique story.

Through this project, I aim to showcase the power of EDA in unraveling the hidden gems within Kobe Bryant's basketball career. By peering into the dataset, we can uncover the factors that contributed to his success, delve into the strategies behind his shot selection, and gain a profound appreciation for his impact on the game. It's a journey that combines the thrill of sports with the rigor of data analysis, and I'm excited to share it with you.


In this intriguing combo plot, I take you on a visual tour of Kobe Bryant's remarkable career, specifically focusing on the number of games he played each season. The plot consists of two insightful views, offering a glimpse into the longevity and consistency of Kobe's on-court presence.

The first plot displays the cumulative games played season over season, with the season year shown on the shared y-axis. The x-axis represents the cumulative count of games, tracing Kobe's journey from his rookie season to the pinnacle of his career. This plot showcases the gradual accumulation of experience, reflecting Kobe's unwavering dedication to the game.

In the second plot, placed alongside the cumulative view, we examine the individual games played in each season. The x-axis now represents the seasons throughout Kobe's career, providing a comprehensive overview of his consistent performance. This plot highlights Kobe's ability to maintain his competitive edge year after year, demonstrating his remarkable consistency.


This plot provides a comprehensive overview of Kobe Bryant's appearances against all the NBA teams throughout his illustrious career. Each white-colored box represents at least one game he played against a specific opponent in a particular season year. Notably, in the 2013-14 season year, a column of blue boxes indicates missed games, possibly due to injuries.

Upon closer examination, intriguing details emerge, even for those who may not closely follow basketball. One striking observation is that Kobe did not play a single game against the Brooklyn Nets until the 2012 season year. Further investigation reveals that the Brooklyn Nets were formerly known as the New Jersey Nets and underwent a name change following their relocation to Brooklyn. Similarly, a similar pattern can be observed when the Seattle SuperSonics relocated and became the Oklahoma City Thunder during the 2008 season year.

During the analysis, it is crucial to remain attentive to potential data inconsistencies that may arise. Given my knowledge of the NBA, I will carefully scrutinize the dataset to ensure accuracy and reliability, mitigating any discrepancies that might affect the interpretation of the plot.

Unveiling such intriguing patterns and historical context adds depth to the analysis, making it not only a fascinating endeavor for basketball enthusiasts but also an opportunity for those with a curious mind to delve into the captivating narratives embedded within Kobe Bryant's remarkable career.

Shots Against Opponents:

This intriguing plot offers valuable insights into Kobe Bryant's scoring ability and its variations against different opponents throughout his illustrious basketball career. The plot comprises three components, each shedding light on distinct facets of his performance.

Starting from the left, the first plot showcases the breakdown of Kobe's total shot attempts versus the shots he made against each opponent. This analysis unveils the varying shot volumes he took against different teams over the years. Moving to the second plot, we observe the same breakdown but presented in terms of shooting percentages. This normalization enables us to assess Kobe's shooting efficiency against different opponents, regardless of the total number of attempts.

The third plot portrays the total number of games Kobe played against each opponent. By examining this data alongside the other plots, a clear correlation emerges. It becomes evident that the number of shots made by Kobe is influenced by the number of games he played against a specific opponent. While the shot attempts may fluctuate significantly from opponent to opponent, what remains consistent is Kobe's effectiveness in converting those shots into scoring points. With an impressive conversion rate of 35-40%, he consistently showcased his scoring prowess, irrespective of the opposing team's defensive strategies.

This plot provides valuable insights into Kobe Bryant's scoring prowess and underscores the significance of both game volume and shooting efficiency in evaluating his performance against various opponents. By leveraging basketball-specific terminology and conducting meticulous data analysis, we gain a deeper understanding of Kobe's on-court impact and appreciate the consistent nature of his scoring abilities throughout his remarkable career.

2-Point Goals vs. 3-Point Goals:

This plot showcases the distribution of Kobe Bryant's scoring between two-point field goals and three-point field goals throughout his career. It reveals that the majority of his scoring came from two-point goals, indicating his prowess in attacking the basket and converting close-range shots. However, it also highlights his ability to stretch the floor and knock down three-pointers, showcasing his versatility as a scorer. Kobe Bryant was a well-rounded scorer, excelling both inside and outside the arc, which made him a constant scoring threat for his team.

Shot Types:

This plot illustrates the breakdown of Kobe Bryant's shot attempts across various types, such as bank shots, dunks, hook shots, jump shots, layups, and tip shots. It demonstrates his diverse shot repertoire and showcases his versatility in scoring from a variety of techniques. Kobe Bryant's wide array of shot types allowed him to adapt to different defensive situations, making it challenging for opponents to anticipate his next move and defend against him effectively.

Shot Locations:

This plot categorizes Kobe Bryant's shot attempts based on their locations on the court, such as backcourt, center, left side center, left, right side center, and right side. It provides insights into his shot selection tendencies and preferred areas on the court for generating scoring opportunities. Kobe Bryant displayed an ability to score from all areas of the court, demonstrating his versatility and effectiveness regardless of his position on the floor.

Shot Zones:

This plot classifies Kobe Bryant's shots into specific zones on the court, such as above the break 3, backcourt, in the paint, left corner 3, mid-range, restricted area, and right corner 3. It highlights his shot distribution across different zones, indicating his effectiveness from various areas on the court. Kobe Bryant excelled in the mid-range area, showcasing his ability to create and convert shots from that zone, which played a significant role in his scoring success.

Shot Distances:

This plot categorizes Kobe Bryant's shots based on their distances from the basket, such as 16-24ft, 24ft, 8-16ft, backcourt shot, and less than 8ft. It provides insights into his shooting accuracy from different distances, revealing his proficiency in mid-range shooting, three-point shooting, and scoring near the basket. Kobe Bryant's scoring ability was not limited to a specific range, as he demonstrated efficiency from both mid-range and three-point distances, making him a versatile scorer from various spots on the court.

Detailed Shot Breakdown:

This plot offers an extensive breakdown of numerous specific shot types that Kobe Bryant attempted throughout his career, including fadeaways, step-back jumpers, turnaround jump shots, and many more. It highlights the depth of his offensive repertoire, showcasing his creativity and mastery of diverse scoring techniques. Kobe Bryant's ability to execute a wide range of shot types demonstrated his exceptional skill set and basketball IQ, allowing him to adapt his scoring approach based on the defensive strategies employed by opponents.

Kobe Bryant's Average Shot Locations Throughout His Career:

This plot showcases the average shot locations of Kobe Bryant throughout his entire career. It utilizes a KDE (Kernel Density Estimation) plot to visualize the distribution of his shot positions on a basketball court. The data represents the average shot locations per game, providing a general overview of where Bryant took his shots.

The plot features a basketball court as the background, accurately depicting the dimensions and markings of an NBA court. Overlaid on the court is a KDE plot that displays the density and intensity of Bryant's shot locations.

The x-axis represents the width of the court, ranging from the left sideline to the right sideline. The y-axis represents the length of the court, extending from the baseline to the half-court line.

The KDE plot utilizes color density to highlight the areas where Bryant took a higher number of shots. Darker regions indicate a higher concentration of shots, while lighter areas represent lower shot frequency. This allows viewers to identify the hotspots where Bryant was most active during his career.

Analyzing the KDE plot provides insights into Bryant's preferred shot locations throughout his career. Darker regions indicate his favored spots, suggesting a higher frequency of shot attempts from those areas. The plot helps basketball enthusiasts and analysts understand Bryant's shot selection tendencies and strategic positioning on the court.

However, it's important to note that the analysis has limitations. The data used represents average shot locations per game and may not capture the specific nuances and variations in Bryant's shot selection from game to game. Therefore, the plot provides a general overview and should be considered alongside other statistical analyses for a comprehensive understanding of Bryant's playing style and shot preferences.

In conclusion, the KDE plot showcasing Kobe Bryant's average shot locations offers a visually informative representation of his shooting tendencies throughout his career. By examining the plot, viewers can gain insights into Bryant's strategic positioning on the court and his favored shooting spots. However, it's crucial to consider the limitations of this analysis and incorporate additional data for a more comprehensive understanding.

In summary, Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) has provided us with a unique lens through which to explore and appreciate the remarkable career of Kobe Bryant. By delving into the intricacies of his scoring statistics, we have uncovered a wealth of information that showcases his unparalleled versatility, proficiency, and strategic prowess on the basketball court.

One of the most striking insights from the EDA is Kobe Bryant's exceptional versatility as a scorer. The breakdown of shot types reveals the remarkable range of techniques he employed to put points on the board. From the finesse of his bank shots to the sheer power of his dunks, and the precision of his jump shots, each shot type represented a different facet of his offensive repertoire. This versatility made him a constant threat to opponents, as he could adapt his scoring approach based on the situation and exploit defensive weaknesses.

Furthermore, the analysis of shot locations and court areas shed light on Kobe Bryant's proficiency from different areas of the court. The ability to score effectively from various distances, whether it be from beyond the arc, in the mid-range, or near the basket, demonstrates his exceptional shooting skills and scoring efficiency. His mastery of different shot ranges allowed him to adjust his game based on the defensive schemes employed by opposing teams, consistently finding ways to put the ball in the hoop.

EDA has also revealed the strategic decision-making aspect of Kobe Bryant's scoring prowess. By examining the distribution of shots across different opponents and seasons, we can discern patterns and trends that provide insight into his game plan. The ability to identify favorable matchups, exploit defensive weaknesses, and adjust his approach over time showcases his basketball intelligence and keen understanding of the game.

Overall, EDA has not only deepened our admiration for Kobe Bryant's scoring abilities but also highlighted the power of data analysis in unraveling the complexities of a player's career. Through careful examination of the dataset, we have gained a more comprehensive understanding of his scoring repertoire, ranging from shot types to locations, and appreciated the strategic decision-making that underpinned his success. EDA serves as a testament to the valuable insights and narratives that can be extracted from data, providing a bridge between the technical aspects of data science and the captivating world of basketball.